Banyuls to Roses
Well, we made it to Spain; bit of a battle though, the forecast winds grew somewhat and changed direction to make life hard for us. Who said French weather forecasts were good! What was supposed to be 12-16 knots ended up as 25 knots with good periods of nearly 30 knots. The waves built up rapidly too.
Our camera lost its display screen after a dousing whilst sailing, so iPad being used. |
As we closed on Cabo de Creus the seas grew to a fair size indeed, impressive enough for us not to want to be there! Too busy and too wet to take photos I’m afraid but to give you some idea, one good one broke over the boat, shot over the coachroof, up the windscreen, over the sprayhood and dumped green water on us in the cockpit. A proper dousing. We managed to steer around most of the other really big ones and keep them out of the cockpit.
As we passed the Cabo we were able to alter course, slowly set more and more sail and ease the sheets.
The seas slowly lessened and we picked up speed too. Helped by surfing on some of the waves. By the time we got to Roses we were in sheltered waters, and as we entered the harbour the water was perfectly flat and wind dropped to about 10knots.
Just had time to lower the French courtesy flag and raise the Spanish one.
The port staff were great, they came out in their dinghy and led us to our berth, helping us with the lines.
Today was only 26miles but felt like a proper marathon!
I always said I wouldn’t trust the new boat fully until we’d had a bit of a beating; should have kept my mouth shut but I do trust it now.
Roses proved to be a nice place, plenty of cycle tracks for us to explore too. Cheap restaurants as well compared to France.
Roses to Palmos
After the days rest in Roses we set off across the bay and had a gentle days sailing towards Palamos; motor sailing most of the way with little wind and a calm sea. Had time to enjoy the scenery, fabulous little bays surrounded by steep and high cliffs. There were some fabulous houses perched on the very edge of the cliff.
Let's go South! |
We passed rocky outcrops and small islands just off the coast.
Unusual rock formations on the islands |
Arrived at 15.30 into the harbour, all very civilised
Palamos to Saint Feliu
Multi-tasking |
Beautiful day - prefect Med sailing, flat sea, light breezes and a blue sky. Oh, and a head wind! todays trip was short so we tacked up to windward to the small town and fishing harbour of Port Saint Feliu de Guixols.
St Feliu harbour (spot our boat?) |
The weather was so calm we planned to anchor overnight in the bay, sadly there were "No Anchoring" signs everywhere so we bobbed into the harbour. Lovely place, lovely staff and not too expensive.
St Feliu bay - think my photos may be better when I can't see the display screen! |
We walked around the bay and found the locals small boat launch area - they have a rail track leading into the water and a trolley with a turntable on so they can pick up the boats and turn them around ready for launch - really cool system - never seen anything like it before.
Very neat way of launching and recovery of small boats |
Saint Feliu is very picturesque |
Now researching where we can leave the boat for Christmas