Saturday 16 January 2021

Christmas 2020

 With all the chaos of Covid we were very lucky that Jen and Kyri were able to come up for a short stay.  It was great to see them again after the restrictions of the year.  A tradition in the Hayes household is for Jen to eventually get up and unwrap her stocking presents sat on the end of our bed; we unanimously agreed that with Kyri here we'd start a new tradition!  And got dressed and went downstairs to open presents by the tree - dignity maintained! Still managed for Carole to have her traditional Bailey's Irish Cream as the first drink of the day in bed though.

Fire pit on the patio, toasting marshmallows.

Christmas Day Walk

Prosecco at Simon's Seat on the Noddle

Curious Sheep

After far too much turkey we attempted to play a tune on the whistles found in the crackers - Intense concentration didn't improve the audio quality.

Even Jen's guinea pigs got treated 

We also played Lakes Monopoly, Kyri wiped the floor with all of us, obviously got his Dad’s financial skills!

Covid secure visit to Grandma.