Sunday, 20 March 2011

Canela to Ayamonte

Set off from Canela in completely different weather to the last few days, the wind died completely and the sea flattened to a mill pond. Motored all the way.
Carole multitasking – fishing and on watch.

We hadn’t originally planned to come back to Ayamonte but we’ve decided to have a porch put on the back of the boat and the girl who will be doing the canvas work lives on her boat in Ayamonte so we’ll be here for a week or so whilst the canvas work is done. It’ll attach to our existing spray hood and sun bimini and give us a lot more covered living area when not sailing.

Brits abroad – can’t miss a good cup of tea however hot it is (and we've sorted the camera timer out)
Carole setting up the camera on timer!

Ended up with an impromptu cockpit party last night with some of the neighbouring yachties – emptied the wine cellar!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like retirement is suiting you, Dave. Carole obviously just pretending to enjoy herself.
